SMS Service

SMS text messaging service
The mobile bank allows the customer to receive text messages on the registered mobile phone, notifying them of all transactions executed on the account, whether withdrawals or deposits, or alert notifications in either Arabic or English, by sending a text message to (18787).
Mobile banking features :
- The "Recharge Your Balance" feature allows customers to purchase recharge cards for all telecommunications companies.
- The ability to inquire about the balance, account activity, available recharge cards, and manage the status of receiving messages, as well as opening or closing reception.
- 24-hour service and secure usage with a Personal Identification Number (PIN).
- The PIN is sent upon subscription, and the customer can request it to be sent again.
- The option to change the phone number for receiving messages.
- Annual fee for individual accounts: 30 D.L. per year | Annual fee for corporate accounts: 60 D.L. per year
Using mobile banking :
- To inquire about the balance, send a text message to (18787) with the content "01" followed by the 4-digit secret number without spaces.
- If the customer wishes to purchase prepaid cards from Al-Madar Al-Jadid, send a text message to (18787) with the content "30" followed by the secret number and the card category.
- If the customer wishes to purchase prepaid cards from Libyana, send a text message to (18787) with the content "32" followed by the secret number and the card category.
- If the customer wishes to purchase prepaid cards from Libya Telecommunications (LLT), send a text message to (18787) with the content "34" followed by the secret number and the card category.